The Bons Enfants Building
A web of silver by architect Francis Soler covers the Bon Enfants building, the headquarter of French Ministry of Culture & Communications at Rue Saint-Honoré 182, Paris. The web made of metallic ironwork wraps the facade of the original 1919 building opened in 2005. Article: La resille argentée de Francis Soler
Linke Wienzeile 40 & 38
Otto Wagner architect and owner designed one single urban block that cemented the Jugendstil movement with Linke Wienzeile 40 and Linke Wienzeile 38 in 1899. The project composed of three buildings, Linke Wienzeile 40 and 38 which turn the corner to Köstlergasse 3. Wagner dismissed classical decoration and introduced a new architectural simplicity, with flat exterior walls and plain,…